Summer Camps

2025 Summer Camp

This camp is for beginnings to intermediate rider’s. We willing be walking and trotting in this camp

Each camper is assigned a Horse of their own for the week.The camper is responsible for the general care of their horse such as grooming, tacking, bathing, watering and preparing meals, as well as other elements involved in horse ownership. on Friday is parents day where you can come and meet your child’s horse and learn what they have learned in that week


2025 Advance/Show Camp

This camp is for advance kids that can Walk/Trot and Canter. We would be working on your discipline that you’re showing in for the season and if you’re not showing that’s okay to! we will fine-tune your riding ability for that discipline or if you want to try out a new discipline that you always wanted to try. Will be covering show prepping, grooming, braiding, bathing and so much more fun stuff.
Friday is parents day and YES it will be show day for the kids. You will need to bring your show clothes for your discipline that you ride in and your horse needs to be groomed and braided for that discipline.


8 in stock

Is food provided?

We ask you to pack your child’s lunch and snacks. Your child will stay busy all day, pack a lot and extra water.

What should we pack?

Aside from food & water, please also bring a change of clothes, sneakers, and riding boots.

How much will they ride per day?

We have been known to ride around 4 hours a day. This will depend on the heat and horses.